Entrepreneurship MBA

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The Professional Entrepreneurship MBA will be awarded by University Technology Malaysia School of Professional and Continuing Education. Graduation Ceremony will be held in UTM Campus in Johore.

This Entrepreneurship MBA is suitable for university graduates, busy executives and managers who aspire to improve their life for knowledge, self or career advancement in order to earn their due recognition as successful Entrepreneurs or Corporate Intrapreneurs. Students are assessed by both an in-class assessment as well as a personal work-based assignment for each module. The following are the Entrepreneurship MBA modules

  • Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Development
  • Entrepreneurial Innovation & Business Venturing
  • Entrepreneurship & International Business Venturing
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Business Channel
  • Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • Strategic Management
  • Human Capital Management
  • Operations & Logistics Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Entrepreneurial Capstone Project

Other MBA Programmes available with Entrepreneurship Institute Malaysia are:

  • Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship & Hospitality Management
  • Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management
  • Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship & Logistic Management
  • Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship, Safety & Health Management
  • Executive MBA in Technopreneurship & Management


“I highly recommend the Entrepreneurial MBA. It’s definitely a prerequisite for fostering entrepreneurship, innovation & creative skills.”

“The Entrepreneurial MBA is a subtle and sublime expression of both creative art and logical science.”






We recently completed our Entrepreneurship core module Seminar. Please read what our Entrepreneurial MBA participants say about our internationally recognized Entrepreneurial MBA Program:

– Very informative module with interesting examples.

– Very good facilitator with very good attitude towards students 

– Excellent preparation by facilitator, excellent delivery with a caring heart 

– Well prepared lessons with plenty of examples which made the lessons very interesting & enjoyable!

– I benefited most from Entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation & the Entrepreneurial mindset lessons 

– Facilitator has demonstrated great depth of knowledge.

– Two thumbs for the facilitator!

– Facilitator is an example of a champion in the industry.

– Facilitator is generous, willing to share all her expertise.

– Very good facilitator and very interesting presentations. 

– Good performance from a good and experienced facilitator

– Exceptionally interesting articulate & compelling in lecturing as well as communicating with students  

– Facilitator is very experienced in real life work experiences hence the examples are very useful. She is fun, vocal & we all benefited and gained a lot!!!

– I benefited from the Intrapreneurial model, articles & strategies

– A very good, thoughtful facilitator.  


What several of our students say about the
Entrepreneurial MBA program
they have recently completed &
graduated from Entrepreneurship Institute… 


“I am thrilled to have found the Entrepreneurial MBA as this is actually the type of program that I really needed and was looking for.

As compared to other universities’ MBA programs, the Entrepreneurial MBA allows students to be more focus on developing and acquiring sharper business acumen and a wider perspective on industry-related areas.

The syllabus is also geared towards industry-related issues making it more relevant, practical and applied than most of the other academic programs that are available.

In short, the Entrepreneurial MBA is highly recommended and most definitely a prerequisite program for fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and creative skills.” 

Ahmad Fazreen
General Manager
DAHE Industries (M) Sdn Bhd

What some of our students say about the Entrepreneurial MBA program they have recently completed & graduated from Entrepreneurship Institute… # 2

Management skills are not only crucial for the entrepreneur but also essential for the corporate entrepreneur as well.

Termed as intrapreneurship in the corporate world, it propels the corporate world to change faster, as the competition grows fiercer and globalization progresses and becomes wider. In this context, the corporate intrapreneur not only must be Above The Rest but has to be Beyond The Best in the pursuit of success.

The expertise I obtained through this Entrepreneurial MBA has sharpened my focus, depend my faith, heightened my expectations, lengthened my staying power and helped enhance my skills as an intrapreneur in the corporate setting.

Personally I have benefited from the Entrepreneurial MBA program and it has helped sharpen and enhance my skills not only for the corporate job which I held earlier but has also helped me tremendously now as I have just ventured into my own business and I am now a full-time entrepreneur.

Because of the entrepreneurial development training that I had undergone, I am able to adapt effectively and stay competitively in my new business venture.

I have enjoyed and benefited very much from this Entrepreneurial MBA program from Entrepreneurial Institute. This special program has really helped in further nurturing the entrepreneurial skills within me.

I strongly recommend this unique Entrepreneurial MBA program to all corporate executives and managers as well as to all entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Jason Tang
Raysis Asia Sdn Bhd
Perai, Penang



Another Entrepreneurial MBA Testimonial from Fanny… # 3

” I found that obtaining this Entrepreneurial MBA in such a short period of time i.e. in 12 months, its the most challenging & rewarding experience in my career. It enabled me to discover my passion in life.

The MBA in Entrepreneurial Management from Entrepreneurship Institute offered the right mix of entrepreneurial theory & practice. This course met my expectations & broadened my understanding of General Management, Entrepreneurial & Intrapreneurial Management Issues.

After completing and graduating from this Entrepreneurial MBA, I now find it easy to apply it in my work as a Corporate Intrapreneur.

For those still thinking and harboring the ambition of studying for an Entrepreneurship MBA, I strongly recommend you to embark on the MBA in Entrepreneurial Management as you too can become a successful Corporate Intrapreneur in the near future !

Fanny Ng
Nestle Malaysia

What some of our students say about our Entrepreneurial MBA program offered by Entrepreneurship Institute… # 4

“Personally, I’ve benefited much from the Entrepreneurial Management program.

Before enrolling in the course, I always thought that business management or entrepreneurship was just a matter of some fortunate combination of common sense, smart ideas and good luck.

However, after having gone through the many hours of thought-provoking lectures, the often humorous yet stimulating interactions with fellow course mates and lecturers, and the comprehensive and in-depth course materials and textbooks, – yes we actually read them! – I must say my perception and ideas about business creation, entrepreneurial development and management have changed completely, for the better.

Entrepreneurship is, to me now, a subtle and sublime expression of both creative art and logical science.

My personal and good experience with this very well designed and excellent Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Entrepreneurial Management program has really helped me to appreciate and grasp the
finer aspects of it in both forms in my new venture creation endeavor.

I would also like to congratulate and say thank you to all the staff and management for their dedication and vision in introducing and running this Entrepreneurial MBA program in Malaysia and I would highly recommend it to anyone aspiring to pursue an Entrepreneurial MBA degree.

Shawn Low Joo Khun
Country Sales & Marketing Manager

What Entrepreneurial MBA graduates say about the Programme they recently completed in Malaysia… # 5

 The Entrepreneurial MBA, which I have conscientiously and diligently learned over the last 12 months, is the final capping to my present set of qualifications and has equipped me with an immense pool of knowledge and skills.

Throughout the course duration, I have made several observations of which I am proud to put on testimonial. These are:

  1. The course syllabus is very comprehensive, with latest edition of reference textbooks, supported by additional yet relevant subject articles as reading materials for the individual subject module.
  2. The in-class learning provide further learning experience led by experienced facilitators, who are also practitioners in the respective subject field, and the participation and sharing of knowledge amongst the students have provided wider perspective of the topic beyond the academic text.
  3. The assessment by written examinations and assignments, marking system provides a fair and just reflection of how the students’ knowledge and skills are assessed. The written examinations are a test of the application of the subject principles and knowledge acquired during the class apart from the individual student’s workplace experience, while the assignment provide an exercise in preparing strategic proposals, analytical reports and/or mini research in accordance to the differing module questions respectively.
  4. The stringent guidelines set has provided good discipline and control over the quality of the course delivery and assessment

Overall, the learning outcome has shown me the ‘crystal clear’ picture of the interpretation and importance of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship skills, which provides the cutting edge to stay competitive in the present fast pace changing business world that has also become smaller. Indeed, the invaluable experience, and the newly acquired diverse skills and knowledge has added value to my present professional career.

I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone who seeks to advance oneself, whether in Entrepreneurship or Corporate Intrapreneurship, to register with this program.

SH Ong
Bachelor of Jurisprudence, University Malaya
Management Consultant


What some of our students say about the Entrepreneurial MBA program they have recently completed & graduated from Entrepreneurship Institute… # 6

A course on Entrepreneurial Management is the in-thing today. I think the Entrepreneurship Institute is rendering yeoman service to the budding entrepreneurs of Malaysia. The course on entrepreneurship was an eye opener to me and I see things in a different perspective having seen seventy winters to-date. When I am faced with a problem I tend to use the SWOT analysis – see the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Even among my friends I seem to be looking at opportunities and net working. This did not dawn on me earlier. That is entrepreneurship – innovative, creative and opportunity driven.

Touching on the academic staff I was very fortunate to be lectured and tutored by a cohort of dedicated and knowledgeable lecturers. They had academic as well as time tested industrial experience. In fact, their industrial experience stood them in good stead to perform their work in accordance with the high expectations of the Entrepreneurship Institute

The office staff was helpful and in particular I would like single out and mention in dispatches the programs director for conducting the course professionally and efficiently in keeping with the demands of the mature students pursuing the course. The customer is the king anyway.

Coming to the course per se the twelve modules were challenging, invigorating     and stimulating to the mind to say the least. The course was examination oriented kept Alzheimer’s disease at bay. The assignment was topical and practical and was related to work experience. This speaks volume of the course.

The study resources provided had a cutting edge as it was the state-of- the-art material. The lectures, assignments and case study had a good balance between theory and practical focus.

The fee structure is competitive and the course on entrepreneurship is much sought after program and I hope my views would add credence to this Entrepreneurial MBA program.

My parting words after completing the course successfully would be I am more confident, knowledgeable, entrepreneurship savvy and there is better net working among friends. Now I tend to look at a problem as an opportunity – better late than never.

I wish this Entrepreneurial MBA program everlasting success. I also wish to express my gratitude to Entrepreneurship Institute.

Ampalavanar Jeyaretna
B.A.(Malaya), M.Ed.Edinburgh, U.K.
MBA in Entrepreneurial Management
Senior Lecturer
HELP University College


What some of our students say about the Entrepreneurial MBA program they have recently completed & graduated from Entrepreneurship Institute… # 7

Joining the Entrepreneurship Institute Masters of Business Administration (in Entrepreneurial Management) is the best decision I have made.

There was no pressure; the time consumed was fair and most suitable for busy working executives like me. Learning was very interactive and interesting, real life events were very much discussed in the classroom, principles and methodologies were translated into application techniques and examples of case studies were sufficient. Personally, it was also an opportunity to network.

While working in a Training Center for a Multinational Petroleum Company as an Organizational Improvement Senior Executive, I dealt and interacted with talented, experienced and knowledgeable group of people. This Entrepreneurial MBA help provided me with an ability to mesh together real-world venture skills with formal methodologies, principles and theories through formal learning – an unparalleled combination for the ‘real’ business world.

As I aspired to be “A Global Champion” it is imperative that as the organizational improvement senior executive, I am able to “Think globally, cooperate globally, and organize internationally.” This is where the Entrepreneurial MBA gave me that extra edge.

I have learned a great deal about Entrepreneurship (& Corporate Intrapreneurship), Finance, Creation of New Ventures, Strategic Management etc) throughout the Entrepreneurial MBA program. This program enabled me to translate the learning into actionable terms that helped me internalize the principles. Now, I feel confident in suggesting new ideas in my own company in the above areas. I am no longer narrowly focused on a single subject, but I am truly able to function as a change agent for my organization.

I really can’t tell you how this program has helped me look at things differently in my work. In short, being able to do this Entrepreneurial MBA with Entrepreneurship Institute provided me with invaluable knowledge and experience that has taken me further and higher in my career.

While I was still pursuing my study, I was able to facilitate 22 transformation projects, led several strategic initiatives in my company to full completion.

I felt that this complemented my desired growth as a Corporate Intrapreneur. It allowed me to gain insight about running a multi-national organization, managing growth and creating innovative solutions for the business. In short, being able to do an Entrepreneurial MBA in Entrepreneurship Institute provided me with invaluable knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly help me to become a more effective Corporate Intrapreneur.

Faridah Hanim Haron,
Organisational Improvement Senior Executive
Petronas Management Training Sdn Bhd.


An Entrepreneurial MBA Testimonial from Sabah, East Malaysia… # 8

Imagine going back to school to secure an MBA… and what can you practically hope to accomplish? Will completing an MBA help me in starting and running my own business successfully or will it enable me a dramatic progress in the corporate world? Will academics help at this point after having spent the last 19 years in employment? Anyway, statistics around the world have pointed to the contrary. Those were the questions I once asked myself when deciding whether to pursue an MBA.

Nevertheless, I decided to take the plunge into this unique Entrepreneurial MBA offered by the Entrepreneurship Institute. The first module in Entrepreneurship had changed the way I look at my career. Breaking out from all conventional thoughts, Entrepreneurship was to be re-looked as being a career and a process in moving our career forward. In the process my thoughts were realigned towards the following aspects important to the success in the commercial world:

  1. Recognizing and realizing opportunities rather than focusing on threats most of the time. To an employee, quality initiatives can be categorized as opportunities too
  2. Bootstrapping on friendly resources (or networking) and marshalling one’s own resources under a variety of circumstances
  3. Attitude, Skills and Knowledge (ASK) are key success factors, and
  4. Entrepreneurship is not about the business itself, it is about establishing core competencies in the focused business and expanding, strengthening it to higher level of competitiveness.

Henceforth, whether we are in business or as investors or in employment, I realized we are all an entrepreneur, trading and expanding our core competencies and our A.S.K. (Attitude, Skills and Knowledge) everyday in order to keep our positional worth as competitive as ever. If we fail to do that, we will be trading ourselves to oblivion… When? Only time will tell.

Today we have to recognize too that our commercial world is fueled predominantly by our communicating capabilities. With this in mind, Models and Concepts in business and management or Unique Selling Proposition (or USP) are very important as they enable communication throughout the organization and with the targeted market segment.

As we go along, I discovered the different world of action learning. This is about learning how to prescribe rather than just analyzing and describe. In the real commercial world, time is the essence. No customers and bosses would want to know about our issues in long-winded form and be dragged in with the details……… they just want solutions; if possible on the spot. Henceforth, it is important that we must be able to analyze and prescribe treatments to the problems within the shortest timeframe and present them in the best available format making reading and absorption of facts easier. Action learning means students are consistently being engaged to think from real world situations.

Reading corporate leadership also helps elevate my understanding into its importance and the needs to enhance our capability to lead. We must be able to lead at any time, any day, anyhow and any group of people that the business or job that requires us to.

I also realized the importance in our ability to understand power sources and the needs to bootstrap and leverage on them.

If we fail to understand these simple concepts in entrepreneurial leadership, then we will surely not able to design our leadership path; we are bound to fail; only time will tell.

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah